Monday, 22 August 2016

3 Things To Avoid When Toasting A Girl (Must See For All Guys)

1) Avoid cramming – some dudes these days fail to convince a girl beyond reasonable doubt because of cramming. Why cram for God sake. You have to be bold and confident enough to articulate your words for her………..remember that she won’t kill you.the worse thing she can do is to turn you down.

2) Never downgrade yourself– know that you are intelligent to convince her. It is this your self worth dat will give you inspiration to braiinwash her. I want u to know dat majority of those beautiful girls on d street has nothin in the head. Be inferor in ur dealings. Never down grade ur self…….your intelligence is celestial.

3) Never turn to teacher- where do you live ,are u d last born,where does your father work! Haba are u a village teacher. First comport your self and go straight to d issue. Dont bore her with almighty formular question. Know dat your first discussion wit her will determine her her aproach to u………your first discussion must be diplomatic not questionably epileptic.

Lets learn from each other, Add yours :) 

1 comment:

  1. Can't believe some guys still do these!
