Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Elephant Trumpets Throughout The Night After Its Calf Falls Into A Well

This is the moment villagers rescue a young elephant from a construction well after its mother stood by her baby throughout the night.

The calf got trapped while a herd of more than 60 elephants passed through a stretch of the Ramgarh district in India.

Throughout Wednesday night the mother relentlessly kept trumpeting and tried to pull the calf out. As she kept trying and continued wailing the whole night, a herd of eight tuskers remained on standby. Moved by her plight, a few brave and kind-hearted people decided to help. 

And for the duration of the night the villagers of Sutri also remained wide awake, praying the herd would return to the nearby forest without causing any destruction.

As daylight broke people started gathering near the well, and the mother elephant made a peaceful retreat and joined the herd waiting behind the bushes.

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